Sadhana Divas was observed on 19th November , 2024 in a befitting manner at VKV (NEC) Baragolai. In the morning assembly for classes I-VII, a documentary on Mananeeya Eknathji was showed to the students. Whereas a PPT presentation on life and mission of Eknathji Ranade was showed to the students of classes VIII-XII. After the the programme, all the students and teachers offered pushpanjali at the portrait of Eknathji. In the 5th period, there was a Shramdaan Programme by the students of Class IX and XI. Then after school, from 3p.m. to 4 p.m., a swadhyay session was held for all the teachers on the letter sent by Mananeeya Nibedita didi on the occasion of Sadhana Divas.